

Today is my birthday. I am nineteen years old. How did that happen?

To my family members who were supposed to come down -
I'm sorry the plans didn't work out. I wish I could see all of you, because I miss you a lot today. And every day. But we'll work something out soon. And be reassured by the fact that I'm surrounded by people who love me a whole, whole lot.

My classmates are showing me God's love every day - especially today. It completely blows me away.

God is so good to me.


  1. Tara, I'm sorry your birthday was a bummer, I've had a few of those myself. Hopefully we can celebrate it with you soon. All you gotta do is tell us when we can come. We are primed and ready to travel. We really want to come. I think it would do you good to see family. I know studies are hard at this point but they will soon end and you will look back and say it really wasn't that hard. It may be that you are putting pressures on yourself and maybe you need to lighten up on yourself some. I know you and you do expect to make good grades and that is important but really grades are not everything.You gotta stop and smell the roses along the way. I've been very homesick at times in my life. When Papa and I first was married our famlies did not have phones let alone e-mail and blogs. I have called the grocery store in Wilson and asked them if they had seen my mother they usually said yes last Saturday. Somehow that made me feel better. Please be assured we love you, are proud of you. We would love to see you even if for just a hour. Today is my and papa 49th wedding anniversary. We've really gone out to celebrate. We went to Ihop for breakfast, to wall mart for groceries and not we are going to eat out for dinner. Love you, Papa and Nannie

  2. Tara, I also had a bad day yesterday. I completely redecorated Grannie's room. I put away almost everything that belonged to her. It was hard for me to do that but was something I had to do myself. I guess it's a type of closure. It is no longer Grannie's room, it's the red room. I changed curtains and bedspread, they are dark red. I took almost everything off the dresser and chest. Took her pictures down from walls. I have not done the drawers. I ran out of time. I will have to do that another day. I was looking forward to seeing you. For some reason you always cheer me up. Well we have got home from our anniversary dinner. Now I'm stuffed. Love, Nannie

  3. From your Papa...I'm not worried about you but a little concerned cause I don't want you to be uncomfortable in any way. It's ok to be homesick so long as you don't get depressed about it. I'm sorry the week-end didn't pan out for you (or for us, either) but I know we can take care of that in the NEAR future. I think I know what you're going through right now...you just feel overwhelmed with all that's been thrown at you the past few weeks. I'm sure that done that on purpose. When you go in-country, the ability to handle all this pressure will be very beneficial. I've always been proud of the way you take care of business..but I think you think that means we expect A's all the time. What I want you to do is give the best effort you can under the circumstances facing you right now. If that results in an A, fine but if not, that's fine too. Second, I have every confidence in you that you will make good decisions...you always have! Let me remind you there are many ways to serve God. I believe in you to do that. I believe it will be as an Aimer. But, if it becomes too much, serving somewhere else in a different way is certainly acceptable to Him (and to us). I don't know if I ever told you I tried full-time preaching at Mannford, OK one time for about six months. I knew I could do it and thought it was for me and I should do it, but when I did it, I found it wasn't the best way I could serve our Lord. I couldn't sleep at night for worrying about members of the congregation who weren't doing what they should. I'll tell you all about it sometime. The moral of the story is that I've served Him in many congregations and in many ways and do not feel I have let Him down in some way. Each of us has to make these kinds of choices. I know one thing...you need to pray about it and I'll pray about it (I pray for you every single day) and the Lord will sort it all out. Be strong...be courageous...continue to be the same sweet, caring, loving individual I know. Grow in the knowledge of the Lord. As your faith grows, the decisions (though hard) will be easier to make. I know I love you, am proud of you, and will be no matter what! Try to enjoy your experience there. Don't let mundane things crowd out the important. If you get down, CALL! Listen to one of Papa's famous talks (like the birds and the bees and guess who I made famous?) Look for a card in the mail.

  4. I'm glad you had a good birthday with your new family. I'm sure they treated you right by giving you the proper amounts of congratulations and harrassment! Love, Dad.
