
My first ever brownbag.

Every Wednesday, AIMers and the AIM staff get together and have lunch.  They read emails that AIMers on the field send in.  It was a really cool thing for me to hear letters from people all over.  It was something I'll always remember.
Needless to say, it's very cool to be able to do this right now.  Surreal, but cool. 
So here's what I sent in.

Hey guys.  
I'm just going to go ahead and say it - I cannot believe that you are here.  Or there.  Or whatever it is!  Because you being there - in AIM, in Lubbock, in the Sunset Church building, in the AIM classroom (which, you should know, will be cold most of the time) - means that I really am here - on my field, in South Africa, in the living room of our house, on this crazy pink leather couch.  It also means that my classmates are out on their fields - on 4 different continents, speaking different languages, meeting new people, having their own challenges and times of growth.  It's hard to accept some of those things.  I miss Lubbock a whole lot, if we're being honest.

My time in Lubbock meant a lot to me.  It was a time of changing, a time of learning, and a time of having a lot of fun with my classmates.  My best advice is to take it one day at a time, take a whole lot of pictures, make memories, and let God grow you.  Time on the field can be very difficult, so take every opportunity to learn and prepare yourself.  And if it ever feels hard, rest assured - you can do it.  You can.  Trust me - but trust God.  He has you there for a reason, so be there.  Be all there.

Alright, now I am done preaching and telling you things that you've already heard.  (By the way, that doesn't make them any less true!)  It's time for a story!  Those were always my favorite thing about brownbags - the stories from AIMers who had been where I was, who made it through, and who were in awesome places doing awesome things.

Not really sure if this counts as an "awesome thing," but it was fun to me!

Carolyne (from the 06 team) had her 21st birthday party last Friday night.  Turning 21 here in South Africa is a big thing - it symbolizes turning into an adult, getting the freedom to come and go as you please.  But one bad thing about becoming an adult - you have to throw your own birthday party!  So as a part of Carolyne's big night, she had some friends come who were ballroom dancers.  (Now, that sounded really cool and fancy to me, but it turns out that they teach dancing in the schools when you're growing up.  So for them, it was just normal!)  They asked for volunteers - about 15 girls went up there (including me and my two teammates!), but only 5 guys.  It was kind of awkward when they asked us to find a partner, but it turned out to be just fine.
Now for the neat part of the story.  There is this guy here named Kuda.  He has lived in both Zimbabwe and South Africa, and he is one of the sweetest people I've ever met.  He asked me to dance, and it turns out he actually knew how to really dance - he taught me how to waltz!  It was so much fun.  I know it probably doesn't seem like a big deal, but it was just one of those moments where it hit me that while there are lots of bad things in this world - lots of sin, lots of pain, lots of wrong choices - there are also good people everywhere.  Kuda has been a great friend for the short time I've known him; he's been kind, patient, and extremely helpful.  It is amazing to me that I have come 10,000 miles away from home and still found good people.

So if you're frustrated, and missing home, have open eyes and see that there are good people all around.  Put your pride aside and get out there.  There are memories to make and  good news to share.

Know that you are prayed for and loved deeply - even all the way from South Africa!

Philippians 1.9-11

[Shout outs]
Matt Hoadley - Hey friend.  Remember that one time we sat by each other at Camp Adventure?
Ivanka - Your sister is crazy.  She really is.  But we're taking good care of her, and she's giving all of us new hair styles, so everybody is happy!  I hope you're enjoying Lubbock.  We think about you a lot here.
Nate - I miss your hugs.
All Oklahoma AIMers - Hey hey!  I'm from Oklahoma too.  Do you guys miss it yet?  It might be hard to believe, but you might one day.  Even though it's crazy hot!
Matt Baggett - I miss you a whole lot, Maggot-y Baggetty.  You should come visit.
Pamela - Your sister is amazing.  She drove today and nearly killed us, but she's still amazing.  I miss your smile and encouragement.
Carla - Remember our Share the Word class?  I was so nervous!  Good thing I had you there to keep me calm.  :)
Logan - I was just thinking of when we got to the airport, and how after we hugged you said, "Well that was awkward."  It made me laugh a lot.  Also, we're moving in three days, and I am sad to leave your gum behind in the tree.