You might think, "Well of course today was a day. A day is a twenty-four hour time period in which one has time to both be awake and asleep, to be productive and to rest, to make hundreds and hundreds of choices that may or may not have a lasting effect. So of course today was a day."
And you'd be right in thinking that. Today, in many ways, was a typical day. Twenty-four hours, being awake and asleep, producing and resting, and choice upon choice.
But what I mean when I say that today was a day is that today was one of THOSE days.
You know the ones.
The ones that just start off on the wrong side of the metaphorical bed?
The ones that find you being late and you can't figure out why?
The ones where you spill milk, the worst substance to spill because not only does it make a mess, but it soaks in and rots?
The ones where not only do you spill that milk, but you spill it on your bed?
The ones where you lay down to take that nap, but you just can't get to sleep?
Yeah. It was one of those.
But you know, there were good parts too. Thank God, seriously, for the good, beautiful, small, little, seemingly unimportant wonderful things that bump into you when you're having one of those days.
I am ready for tomorrow though.