I'm writing this from our new apartment, which is crazy to me. I now live with Diana and Sasha, my teammates, in a second-story flat with a beautiful ocean view. We had to move from our last house (which we shared with two girls from last year's team) because it was in a part of town that wasn't very safe. In less than a month, we had three cars broken into in front of our house, one attempted break in at the house, and one actual break in at the house. It was, honestly, one of the craziest months of my life.
It's strange to think that I have packed up all of my stuff and moved three times since being here in South Africa. When we first got here, we stayed in a big house with the AIMers from the 06 class. Then we moved into the house in the bad part of town. And now we live here. Three times we've loaded up our big suitcases, three times we've taken our clothes off of the hangers, three times we've put posters back up on the walls. I've zipped and unzipped my red suitcase so much that the zipper has broken! We've gotten to be pro's at packing in a hurry and never looking back.
It takes a toll eventually, you know? Here we are, in a completely different country, very far from all we've known, and we're trying to set up a home for ourselves. We get all unpacked and cozy and familiar with the area, and then we move.
It makes me think of Luke 9.57-58. Jesus is on His way to Jerusalem with his disciples when someone says, "I will follow You wherever You go!" Jesus answers, "Foxes have dens, and birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay His head." Lots of questions come to my head when I read this, and most of the time the true answers are not ones I like. If I'm being honest with myself, could I really say that I'll follow Jesus wherever He goes? I mean, He says it Himself - He has no place to lay His head. When He's worn out and exhausted and can't go on any more, He has no place to go. Do I want to follow someone that closely? Do I love Him enough to follow Him to that extreme? To go with Him that far? To not leave Him and find somewhere else to go?
It's hard. It really is. It's hard and exhausting to live from a suitcase, to pack and unpack, to not even have a place in mind when you say you want to go "home." But Jesus could do it. He did it. And He at least deserves for me to give it my best shot. In the end, it's worth it.
So I encourage you to be flexible. You're going to hear that word a lot in AIM - take it to heart. Be willing to adjust and give a little. You'll grow from it, I know you will. I did! I also encourage you to get ready to be a wanderer. Get ready to be confused about where your "home" really is. And get ready to put your heart into a lot of places. Don't forget - there are good people everywhere. There is work to be done everywhere.
Thanks for listening. I hope you guys are having a great week! Hang in there, and be Jesus. Don't forget - we pray for you.
[Shout outs]
Sarah Beth Hall - Thanks for drinking that Vanilla Dr. Pepper for me. Now...have you ever had chili cheese fries?!
Zach Montandon - Remember when we talked on the phone during Christmas break? Those were the days.
Kristen Pope - Hello lovely lady! I am so glad you are in AIM. I couldn't be prouder of you.
Tony - Man, I miss you. I wish I could be there to see you and Beth on the big day. Maybe you could Skype it!
Beth - Seriously, I'm pretty sure the PESA girls screamed when we found out you guys were engaged. You are going to be the bestest couple ever! I do your little dance every once in a while, and it makes me laugh.
Ben Walker - Did you ever know that you're my heeeeeeeeero?
Alicia - Remember that time in Mexico when Brent Pendergraft was sign language-ing something about a butterfly? That kid is crazy. But I miss the way you smile.
Josh Tucker - I read your "bad day" note the other day, and it was awesome. Seriously. Thank you.
Logan - You left your "100 Best Guitar Solos Ever In The History Of the Whole Entire World and Universe" cd here. Can I copy it? Also - I've been praying for you a whole lot lately.
Barb - I remember the first time I ever talked to you. It was on the phone, and I was calling about how big the mattresses were in the apartments so that I could buy sheets. Thanks for always being reassuring - from then until now. You rock.
Pat - I have no bad memories of you. Thanks for all that you do, and for letting your light shine so brightly.
Kris - We practiced "The Look" the other day, and you should have seen Diana. You would have been proud.