
Test Explained!

Okay. I finally have some time to sit down and write, so let me tackle things one at a time.

First off all, the "Test" blog entry shouldn't have been so confusing! I was having some trouble getting things all set up on this site, I was confused about some things, and that was just a test to see how something looked...so that's all that was.

Okay, next. Well actually, I think I'm just going to make a separate entry about my classes. So I'm going to go do that.

1 comment:

  1. Your enthusiasm is contagious! You make me want to be an aimer too. BUT...I'll have to live it through you, so keep the information coming. I'm not just proud of who you are but what I see you becoming...and I really like what I see. LUV you and PROUD of you. PaPa
