
Shy Town.

Neysia, Diana, Tyler, Sasha, and I are all at the Chicago O'Hare Airport!  We're getting ready to board the plane for Frankfurt, Germany here pretty soon, maybe in like 45 minutes or so. 
South Africa, here we come!
Prayers muchly appreciated.
Love you guys. 
Updates are coming.
Pictures too!


  1. Heyya TootToot, Im glad you arrived safely, albeit a tad late. I know you are all tired from the long journey but ready to face what is ahead.It will be a life changing experience for you and your team along with all the people you will come in contact with..Just know your in daily in prayer and so are your team mates.Enjoy the experience. Love ya bunches Mamaw

  2. Hey Tara,

    I am glad you made it safely. I am so proud of who you are and what you have become. You will always be close to my heart and in my daily prayers.

    Love Ya,
    Aunt Robbie

  3. Tara Ann,
    Wanted to let you know that I am so proud of you and what you stand for. The Lord has done awesome things in your life already, and I know that he has many more things that your witness will be a true testament to. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily. Take care of yourself.
    Love ya, Sissy and the rest of the gang!!!
