
Oh that Sylvia Plath.

"I took a deep breath and listened to the old bray of my heart - I am.  I am.  I am."
-Sylvia Plath.

You know, Sylvia Plath may have been one really messed-up lady, but I think she struck truth with this one.
Sometimes life gets so messy.  Things get so jumbled up, and confused, and painful.  Life is never black and white anymore.  It's technicolor - which means it's both beautiful and complicated.
Sometimes I need to just sit in the closet without the light on, and I need to breathe.  I need to know that my lungs are still functioning and my heart is still beating - because most days, strangely enough, I don't notice them.  I need to settle my thoughts back down and realize what a beautiful thing it is to just be.  I am, I am, I am.  Here, right now, this is me breathing and beating and living.
Even if I can't manage to do anything else right - or anything else, period - I have that knowledge that if I'm still functioning and capable of conscious thought, then there must be a reason.  Somewhere, there's a reason.  There always is.
Oh, that Sylvia Plath.


  1. My Dearest Toot,,
    I am sitting here with a smile on my face as I read your words..Wise words, knowing words.
    Yes life is both beautiful and complicated and yes we need to be still sometimes and listen to our hearts and the blood flowing thru our veins and grab the thoughts in our heads that are jumbled.It is hard trying to throw out the words we dont like to make sense of all the others.Or to wonder where those words came from to get jumbled.I dont believe there is ever an age that all the thoughts come together to make sense all the time..Or maybe it's just my thoughts..Just know you are not alone in confusion at times. You have a wonderful way to put it all into words that each of us learn from.. Miss ya and Love ya bunches, Mamaw

  2. Who is Syliva Plath?!?!?!
