
Even simple and subconscious

It's not going so well.
Still not really ready to talk about it.  
Well not "it" -
I'm just not ready to talk about everything yet.
Processing, even simple and subconscious processing, takes a while.


  1. Tara,
    When its time you will know, God will let you know..Its a hard "it" to deal with, keep the faith and in his time it will be revealed to you..We are all praying for you each and everyday, so you are not alone in this..Let Go and Let God!!
    Love ya lots! Sissy

  2. Hey Toot,,
    There is a saying that hangs on my easel that you might like.. It says "I am becoming a different person. I am Gods special idea. The world has yet to see the great things I can do." I believe you are special and God is working thru you... Love ya bunches, Mamaw
