

trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust trust

Maybe if I type it a few times, it will become easier.
More to come soon.
I love you guys.  Thanks for sticking in there.
Your prayers are needed.


  1. Tara,
    Its good to hear from you, even though we aren't directly talking to each other, makes me feel better to see your blog come alive..Trust is a big word when it comes to the world, as long as we put all of our trust in the Lord we can be sure that he is with us always..He was with you this last week and as hard as it is to think about, something good will come from this whole thing..I have always been a firm believer in that..God needed you there to do his work and glorify his name, and you are positive proof of that..Hang in there and know that we are all praying for you..I have some awesome Christian friends that are praying for you and your teammates, as well as your dad..Love ya lots! Sissy

  2. At the end of the day trust is all that we have, i know you going through a rough patch but life is full of ups and downs but we must try to reflect on the ups so the downs don't seem overcomable. All i can say is keep faith that things will be better and i know they will becuase you are a strong willed person.

    you are in my prayers

    your friend
